exciting new plans!!!! starting Sept 2009

Phazes Base plan:
$25/month: one day at bootcamp each week, get your workout plan and clean eating menu for the week. Plus one call with your personal trainer mid week to keep you motivated.

Couch potato to 5K:
$40/month: Workout 2 times a week with your personal trainer in a group. Get from never running and unfit to race ready in under 3 months!

Rookie Bootcamp
$360 for 3 months!
Want dramatic results! Meet 3 times a week with your personal trainers in a group of other exercise “rookies”. You won’t be working out next to the marathon runners and gym bunnies. This is for YOU – you need personal assistance to lose weight and get fit. Our other rookies have been losing an average of 10 pounds per month and over 10 inches per month! This 90 day plan is the best way to commit to real weight loss and dramatic results. Includes menu plans each week.

Marathon training:
$80/month : must already be able to run a 5K. Workout with a group getting ready for the next marathon. We have experienced trainers to assist you in pushing you to the next level.

Personal training:
looking at increasing overall fitness and need help? We have certified trainers you will love! Set your time and frequency into your schedule. Menu plans also provided.
$70/hour one on one
$50/hour for 2 people
$30/hour for 3 people
$20/hour for 4 clients or more.
(hourly rate is per person)

Cost comparisons:
Phazes base plan and bootcamps include your Personal trainers, menu plan, workout plans, and support. To get this same support elsewhere, you would need to combine a weight loss support group, hire a personal trainer and join a gym. The combined cost would be
Weight loss support group that provides menus: $40/month (average plan)
Gym membership: $20/month (average plan)
Personal trainer twice a week for 2 hours: $560/month (average cost/ hour)
this would be a total of= $620/month to get the same kind of assistance we offer you.

Or if you want fast results like bootcamp can get you and you decide to "cheat", HCG shots can cost $150 - $200/month OR MORE and you still have not learned the right way to eat and change your lifestyle. Many HCG clients once off the shots, balloon back up to their original size before the shots because they never Learned proper nutrition and exercise plans. Our bootcamp costs less, and gets you eating right!

Our goal is to change your life, not just your size.
